Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Usana Business Tools - Five Secrets For Building Your Usana Business

Your Usana business is offering a great opportunity for long-term income. The basis for your success is in retailing Usana's line of high quality products, and in adding new business builders to your down line. Discover five secrets for building your Usana business quickly.

It is tempting to try and win business builders first. Usana's binary plan with spill over may be attractive to many who like to benefit from the efforts of their upline. The problem is that those people will drop out quickly if they do not make the quick money they are hoping for.

A much easier and stable way of building your business is to start out by marketing one special item from Usana's line of nutritional and skin care products. You will accomplish this by following these five secrets:

1. Specialize in one area of benefits, such as nutrition. This allows you to build your expertise and set yourself apart.

2. Become known as an expert in your special area, someone who knows the needs and desires of people looking for certain nutritional benefits. Someone who can offer sound advice, and who deserves trust. The internet is a perfect tool for getting this type of exposure.

3. Find customer leads through the phone and the internet. Starting out with the phone cuts your learning curve, and it greatly increases the effectiveness of your internet marketing later on.

4. Bring your benefit message to your market by using phone and internet. You can do this on auto pilot 24/7, and it frees up your time for follow up. This is important, as you what to be able to add large numbers of customers quickly

5. Learn how to follow up and close your sales. Not very one will buy form you. But even those who are inclined to buy are expecting to receive your help and leadership in making their decisions.

Now that you have learned how to market your products, you will find it easy to add business builders to your down line, and train them to use the tools that you have put in place.

To discover powerful Usana marketing secrets, click the link now for a free MLM marketing report and videos.

Dr. Kai Druhl is a well respected network marketer. The "underground" strategies that he is revealing in his sought after reports and videos have generated more than $12,000,000 in profits, for home business owners just like you.

At this time, these strategies are creating a new six figure earner every six months. Click the link above to find out how you can be next.

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AtteNtION ...DanGer....

"UsANa HeaLtH ScIEncE"

"UsANa HeaLtH ScIEncE"